Rage Burst

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Rage Burst-icon.png Rage Burst
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 1
Cast Delay: 3 seconds
Target: Enemy
Range: 1 cell cells
Rage Counter: All
Force of Vanguard-icon.png Force of Vanguard Lv. 1

Releases all Rage Counters on the caster in order to deal damage to the enemy. The more Rage Counters the caster has and the lower the caster's current HP, the greater the damage will be.


Damage:{(Rage Counters × 200) + [(MaxHP - CurrHP) ÷ 100] × (Base Level ÷ 100)}%


  • The smaller the ratio of current HP to Max HP, the higher the damage.
  • For each Rage Counter the caster has, ATK increases by 200%, which stacks additively to the HP based damage.
  • Doesn't ignore FLEE.
  • Weapons that ignore DEF or modify damage based on DEF (Ice Pick), work with this skill.