Template:Infobox Job

From LeikaRO wiki
Revision as of 00:06, 1 December 2014 by Frost (Talk | contribs)

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Job Base(s): {{{jobBase}}}
Job Type: {{{jobType}}}
Changes At: {{{changesAt}}}
Number of Skills: {{{skills}}}
Total Skill Points: {{{skillPoints}}}
Total Quest Skills: {{{questSkills}}}
Job Bonuses
+{{{str}}} +{{{agi}}} +{{{vit}}} +{{{int}}} +{{{dex}}} +{{{luk}}}


This template creates an info box for a particular job class to ensure a consistent style across all of the job class pages on the wiki.


{{Infobox Job
| jobBase = 
| jobBase2 = 
| jobType = 
| changesAt = 
| skills = 
| skillPoints = 
| questSkills = 
| str = 
| agi = 
| vit = 
| int = 
| dex = 
| luk = 

Remember to erase the empty fields.


Field Description
jobBase Optional. The Job required to change into this Job (e.g. Mage on Sage's page, Novice on Archer's page)
jobBase2 Optional. If there's two Jobs that fit the requirement to change into the job, use both jobBase and jobBase2. Currently only 3rd jobs use this field. (Requires jobBase)
jobType The Job type (e.g. First, 2-1, 2-2 Transcendent, Extended, etc.)
changesAt The place where one becomes this Job Class (e.g. Izlude, Prontera, Geffen, etc.)
skills The total number of skills the Job Class possesses.
skillPoints The total number of skill points required to master the above number of skills.
questSkills The total number of skills the Job Class may obtain by performing a quest.
str The bonus to STR at the maximum Job Level for the Job Class.
agi The bonus to AGI at the maximum Job Level for the Job Class.
vit The bonus to VIT at the maximum Job Level for the Job Class.
int The bonus to INT at the maximum Job Level for the Job Class.
dex The bonus to DEX at the maximum Job Level for the Job Class.
luk The bonus to LUK at the maximum Job Level for the Job Class.